Manager Mojo With Steve Caldwell

Vision & Mission – Are Yours Sitting on a Shelf? – Founder of My Business on Purpose, Scott Beebe shares compelling reasons why every individual and business must have a vision, mission and values



      Scott Beebe                   Vision & Mission – Are Yours Sitting on a Shelf?  You either love them or hate them – Vision, Mission and Values. Likely you love them because you have them, they are working for you and are instrumental in fueling success. You likely hate them because 1) You don’t see the value or 2) You have them but they don’t work (because they are on a shelf somewhere). People who jump out of bed each morning excited for the day do so because they have a vision and purpose. They are passionate about what they are focused on. Those who have a hard time dragging out each morning lack a focus. What they need is to direct their attention on creating a Vision, Mission and Values for their life and career/business. Scott Beebe burned out on the corporate rat race. He wanted a business on purpose, and he now helps small business owners remove themselves from the chaos of their business and get their lives back by articulating an intentional Vision, Mission and Values. If you’ve go