Manager Mojo With Steve Caldwell

Understand The Human Side of Mergers & Acquisitions – Having survived numerous mergers, Jennifer Fondrevay guides companies through the human impact of M&A



      Jennifer Fondrevay               Understand The Human Side of Mergers & Acquisitions  We leaders throw the term around like we’re high financiers – “M&A.” The reality is that mergers and acquisitions aren’t only about the numbers. There is a human impact, and too often that isn’t taken into consideration or it is not given the consideration that is due. You think nothing is going to change? Think again. It already has the moment M&A is mentioned, and your people know it. More mergers fail than succeed, and the ill-considered impact on employees is a big reason. The only thing we have in business is trust and credibility. If you give those up during the current M&A project, you’ve given up everything. Don’t undermine the trust you’ve built in the team. Understand the human impact of mergers and acquisitions.   Learn more about Jennifer Fondrevay and pre-order her new book, Now What? A Survivors Guide for Navigating and Thriving Through Acquisition, by visiting her website.  You can also conne