Manager Mojo With Steve Caldwell

Are You Valuing Dignity in the Workplace? – Steve talks with Dr. Donna Hicks, a leading expert on the subject of dignity



      Dr. Donna Hicks               Are You Valuing Dignity in the Workplace? As a leader, what is more important – dignity, respect or trust? Actually, that is a trick question. While respect and trust must be earned, dignity is inherent in every human being. It does not need to be earned. So the big question is, are you respecting the dignity of everyone in your organization? When leaders don’t treat others with dignity, their respect for you will be undermined. Every human being is vulnerable to having their dignity hurt, and dignity be violated when we try to ‘look good’ and ‘save face.’ We undermine respect when we don’t come clean and tell the truth. Dignity is important and it is important for leaders to understand their role in it. If you want to be the manager with mojo whose people feel valued, you owe it to yourself to listen to this podcast.   Learn more about Dr. Hicks and the books she's written about dignity, including her newest, Leading with Dignity– How to Create a Culture that B