Manager Mojo With Steve Caldwell

Perfect the Art of Asking Beautiful Questions – “Questionologist” Warren Berger has studied hundreds to understand the use of questions in generating original ideas, solving problems and more



        Warren Berger               Perfect the Art of Asking Beautiful Questions  You are a leader. You’ve earned that position because of what you know and how you implement that knowledge. People come to you for answers. Having the answer is great, but so is having the confidence and humility to admit when you don’t. It is impossible to know everything in today’s complex world, but it’s not impossible to find answers to everything when you learn to ask great questions. Successful leaders and business executives need to keep learning. They search for the thing they don’t know and learn to rely on thoughtful, beautiful questions to gain information and arrive at conclusions. One of the best ways to make good decisions, a critical responsibility of leaders, is relying on asking good, insightful questions. Be the leader who approaches every moment of every day with a big (invisible) question mark in front of you. Ask. Learn. Gather data and decide. You will become a more valuable leader and what you