Manager Mojo With Steve Caldwell

How is Energy Affecting Your Leadership? – a conversation with Elise Auxier, an expert in understanding the power of energy for achieving greater leadership effectiveness



      Elise Auxier               How is Energy Affecting Your Leadership? Every one of us has a ‘tank’ of energy, both positive and negative. What will you choose to do with yours? It is not woo-woo when I say that everything is made up of energy. It was a discovery of Albert Einstein. As leaders, we should be taking responsibility for not operating out of habit or default, and begin making choices (using our energy) that positively impact our teams, the business, our families and everyone around us. With the responsibility to lead, we have accepted the responsibility of uplifting and doing right by those who follow us. How can you affect everyone around you in a positive way? Elise Auxier joins Steve in this podcast to discuss the various levels of energy, recognizing them and learning to master the positive use of energy.   Learn more about Elise Auxier and understanding energy by visiting her website.     Click here to check out our newest leadership development tool – LEAD – Leadership Ed