Albuquerque Business Podcast

Stop Lying to Yourself About Commitment



What Does It Mean to Be Truly Committed? On the most recent episode of The Self Aware Leader podcast, I dove deep into the concept of commitment. We often throw that word around – I'm committed to fitness, committed to this project, committed to my personal growth. But what does true, maximum commitment really look like and feel like? To dissect this, I like to rephrase the question: "What are you willing to sacrifice to achieve a goal or uphold a value?" That hits a little harder, doesn't it? Because true commitment isn't just about the good times, the easy choices. It's about what you'll keep doing, who you'll keep being, even when it's inconvenient, difficult, and frankly...uncomfortable. Commitment in Action Let's look at some examples: Relationships: Truly committed partners don't walk away at the first sign of conflict. They stay and work through the challenges – not because it's easy, but because the value of the relationship outweighs the temporary discomfort. Health: Being committed to your healt