Stevie Says Social Podcast

Grow Your Business and Free Your Time By Creating a Mini-Course in Just Six Weeks



Let me guess: You love what you do, but you've spent this year stuck in an endless loop of busy-ness where you've found it tough to BREATHE, let alone truly escape your business for a minute and live your life. That's where a mini-course comes in. Whether you eventually want to create a FULL online course, you already have one or maybe you just want a more consistent and steady stream of leads into your coaching or expert business to free up some of your time and make more revenue, a mini-course is a great place to start. By the end of today's podcast episode, I am sharing with you an easy-launch guide for creating an irresistible mini-course and getting it out there into the world in under 6-weeks so you can get started, finally cross it off your "to do" list and build a super valuable leveraged asset in your business to drive leads, supercharge your authority and divorce your value from your time. In fact, that's exactly what 26 of our members inside of Lifestyle Business