Stevie Says Social Podcast

Behind the Scenes: 2023 Unwrapped



Pre PS. Want to start the new year with CRYSTAL CLEAR CLARITY on your 2024 business and LIFE endgame? Join Lifestyle Business School now for $149/m and get instant access to Dream and Design. It's included in Lifestyle Business School, and it has HUNDREDS of glowing reviews; I don't speak lightly when I say that completing this process in mid-2023 changed my business and my life for the better. Join here.Do you feel like this year passed by in a blink? It feels like yesterday that I was tucking myself into bed at 8pm on New Years Eve (yes, 8pm).. and now here we are at the end of another shiny year. Today's podcast episode will be released on Boxing Day, and I hope this finds you happy, well and rested. This period between Christmas and New Years Ever is always a time for rest, reflection before ticking over of the calendar on 1 January has us all looking forward, so in today's podcast episode I want to share with you MY year that was, the things I've learnt and what I am taking into