Stevie Says Social Podcast

My Top 7 Tips for Building a High Profit, High Leverage and High Happy Business Model



Here's 7 things I see holding business owners back from their goal to build a leveraged business model.This is based off seven years of experience and working with hundreds of online founders, and noticing patterns.I hope recognising these will help you to shortcut the process.[PS Our newsletter is live! Subscribe here]. 1️⃣ Time & the Hockey Stick EffectBuilding a leveraged business model takes MORE time upfront, and less time later on.2️⃣ Misaligned PositioningGet clear on who your offer serves, and match what you do to their problem.3️⃣ Too Many OffersAt max, you need three offers - an audience offer, a core offer and an anchor offer. They should all complement and feed into each other.4️⃣ Not Applying Scalable Traffic Strategies to a Scalable Business ModelThe traffic strategies that work for a 1:1 or service business model won't be enough when trying to sell a leveraged offer. More units to sell means that you need more eyeballs to see your offers.5️⃣ Not Making ROI based investment decisio