Stevie Says Social Podcast

The No Team Dream: A One-Woman Show Working 5-Hour Days With 80% Profit Margins



In the past two years, I have gone from three full time team members.. To me, one part time contractor. The result of scaling DOWN my team? My business went from 40% profit margins on a good month.. To 80%, always. I halved my revenue.. But took home WAY more profit. And I felt lighter, happier and more fulfilled than I had in years, with my days spent working on the things that truly light me up. Two years on, things looked so very different.. It feels like a dream. The no-team dream. Systems Over TeamSo, what changed? And specifically, what ENABLED me to re-build my business A One-Woman Show Working 5-Hour Days With 80% Profit Margins?Here’s the cliff notes: From a business model perspective, I moved to a model that felt far more aligned. It required fewer moving parts, fewer offers and fewer resources. And I started prioritising systems over team. It looks like this: ✔️ A Simple Model: One of the most overlooked “secrets” to an elegant business is simplicity. More offers, more work. I worked on refining my