Home Care Marketing Show With Valerie V

Marketing Your Home Care Agency: What Should You Be Paying Your Sales Rep? Marketing Innovations, and Incentive Strategies



Unlock the secrets to thriving in the competitive world of home care sales with our latest episode where we, Dawn Fiala alongside Lisa Marsolais and Valerie, give you the insider scoop on everything from clinching client assessments to innovative marketing strategies. Picture this: you're confidently navigating objections around costs while masterfully maintaining client privacy—all because you absorbed the proven tactics we discuss. And for those of you eager to continue learning, our Home Care Sales Forum awaits, fostering a community where ongoing support and knowledge sharing are just a post away.Imagine transforming every caregiver introduction into a personalized marketing opportunity and witnessing your agency's reputation soar. This episode doesn't just stop there; we dissect the delicate balance of commission structures that incentivize your sales team without compromising client care. By examining real-life examples, we guide you through creating a commission system that's as eff