Building A Storybrand With Donald Miller | Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen

#167: How to Make Feedback Conversations Less Horrible for Everyone



Feedback is critical to making a team work well, but it can be full of traps for leaders who aren't careful. Often, feedback meetings become dreaded encounters, either avoided altogether or handled so carefully that they hardly lead to any good changes. Providing constructive feedback as a leader can feel like a tightrope walk, because your words carry a lot of weight and you don’t want to demotivate your team members. So how do you give feedback that’s kind but also helps your team members recognize where they’re falling short so they can grow?   In this week’s episode, host Donald Miller discusses the art of providing effective feedback to team members. He’s joined by special guests Emily Pastina, Senior Director of Operations at Business Made Simple and Tyler Ginn, the President of Business Made Simple. After thousands of feedback sessions, Emily and Tyler share their insights on creating a culture of open communication and continuous improvement. You’ll learn practical tips and strategies for effective fe