Podcast Rodeo

Why'd You Push That Button - reviewed



DescriptionWhy’d you like that celebrity photo on Instagram? Why’d you leave that restaurant review on Yelp? Why’d you text in lowercase, or turn on read receipts, or share your location? The Verge’s Ashley Carman and Kaitlyn Tiffany ask the hard, weird, and occasionally dumb questions about how your tiny tech decisions impact your social lifeWebsite: https://www.theverge.com/whyd-you-push-that-button What I Liked About This EpisodeThe intro does a good job of getting us acquainted with each person's voice and explains what the show is about.What I Thought Could Use Some PolishingThe intro has a ton of hiss. I give you a pass cause it was 2020, but all the "Chit chat" at the beginning would've been better at the end. In the end, I'm not the target audience for this. I love Ashley's articles in The Verge.The Goal Of This ShowThis show aims to help you make the best episodes and grow your downloads. If you'd like a deeper dive here are some additional servicesGet Your Podcast ReviewedProfit From Your Podcast Bo