Quantum Business Insights With Olivia Parr-rud

The Art of Group Leadership



Does the success of your organization depend on your ability to lead? Do you have the skills, knowledge, and self-awareness to inspire others? Do you know how to build and empower high-functioning teams? In today’s highly complex global economy, the old hierarchical models of leadership are failing. The pace of change and increasing complexity demand that we evolve from ‘command and control’ to ‘inspire and empower. To be an effective leader, we must know ourselves. We must understand what drives our behavior and the behavior of others. And we must recognize the strengths and limitations of ourselves and others. Only with this knowledge are we able to build the trust and connection that are so essential for the cohesive relationships that support healthy team dynamics. Tune in for this insightful conversation with two experts in the field. We learn how to ‘know’ ourselves and master the art of group leadership.