Quantum Business Insights With Olivia Parr-rud

Wisdom at Work: Unleashing Innovation through Deep Dialogue with Mitch Ditkoff



Are you drowning in data but starving for insights? Think about it! At this point, you’ve successfully transformed and manipulated your data to provide useful information. You’ve mined and analyzed that information to gain vast amounts of knowledge. But knowledge isn’t always enough. These days, the half-life of quantitative knowledge is about five years. To be successful in our highly volatile, global economy, we need more. We need wisdom - that deep knowing that often comes through as an insight, inspired idea, or ‘aha’ moment. We’ve all had them... A sudden breakthrough, a desired solution, all when we least expect it. This week top blogger, Mitch Ditkoff, is back by popular demand. Join us as he shares how to generate the conditions that allow powerful insights to emerge from within the ranks of any organization. Learn from his wisdom and experience. Be inspired and empowered to unveil your own insights and use them to move your business forward.