Quantum Business Insights With Olivia Parr-rud

Gender Intelligence: Men and Women Working Together with Amy L. Robinson



Do you have challenges due to gender differences within your organization? Do conflicts arise that appear to be linked to differences between men and women? The reality is that women and men do almost everything differently – communicate, solve problems, set priorities, make decisions, resolve conflicts, handle emotions, and deal with stress. Too often, these differences hinder our team as well as individual performance. The secret to understanding and working harmoniously with the opposite gender is Gender Intelligence. Gender Intelligence harnesses the innate power of both male and female leaders and team members to work together more successfully. Tune in and learn how men and women behave in unique and amazing ways. Gain insights into how our brains are wired differently in the areas of problem solving, decision making, communicating, and dealing with stress. Learn how to bridge those unique differences to build more successful relations between women and men in the workplace.