Quantum Business Insights With Olivia Parr-rud

Tapping Your Greatest Resource – with Jeremy Eden and Terri Long



Are you bogged down by endless meetings, company politics, and bureaucratic stagnation? Would you like to learn a few simple actions you can take right now to improve profits? According to my guests, Jeremy Eden and Terri Long, there are at least 77 easy tactics to improve production and increase profits. Company insiders, not outside consultants, have the answers. Your employees, when given the right tools, have hundreds of ideas to help your company to succeed. But senior executives need a well-designed process to get those answers – a process that results in actionable steps to grow revenue and improve the customer experience. Join us as we discuss Jeremy and Terri’s new book “Low-Hanging Fruit – 77 Eye-Opening Ways to Improve Productivity and Profits (Wiley 2014). Learn how to turn misleading metrics upside down, discard benchmarking, and challenge the status quo. Gain insight into an often untapped resource. Discover the easy route to higher earnings