Quantum Business Insights With Olivia Parr-rud

7 Steps for Hiring Super-Performers – with Henri Schauffler



Have you hired the perfect person for a position, only to have them fail miserably after onboarding and training? Are you hiring based on experienced resumes, then being deeply disappointed over the long term? Do you find that, as good as your HR or hiring manager is, lately it's harder and harder to find the right fit in new hires? Do you struggle with some new hires who look great initially, but on the job can't seem to work well with their manager and fit into a team environment? If you answered ‘Yes’ to any of these questions, then join me and Henri Schauffler as he describes how to immediately hire the superstars you need to start getting the performance your metrics require. Learn 6 ways to avoid wasting thousands and even millions of dollars by hiring the wrong people. Understand which stages of the hiring process require your involvement. Hear the ONE single hiring method that will turn your results upside down literally overnight!