Trial Lawyer Nation

150 - Malorie Peacock - How to Move the Ball Forward and Not Just Do Busy Work



Just focus on your biggest PI cases. Afterall, that’s where you make the most money and the biggest difference, so it should be easy. Right? Wrong. Before you know it, you’ve spent the majority of your time working on cases where you’re just trying to get your expenses back, and not working enough on your big cases. So how do you make sure you actually focus your attention on where it is needed the most?In this episode of Trial Lawyer Nation, Michael Cowen and Malorie Peacock discuss strategies they’ve used to keep their focus on their biggest cases. They share why you need to intentionally identify your top cases to avoid “the whirlwind”, how to create a culture where you can have “accountability meetings” with fellow lawyers in your firm that are useful (and don’t run people off), and how to figure out the places where you can and should delegate. Don’t miss out! Big Rig Bootcamp takes place on July 12, 2024 in San Antonio, Texas. Register at Guest  Name: Malorie J Peac