Bombshell Business Podcast With Amber Hurdle

Get Simple in Your Messaging with Ben Guttmann



Y’all know I’m constantly teaching that when it comes to branding, you should focus on defining and positioning your value, whether as an individual, a business, an employer, or all of the above. So, as you can imagine, I was thrilled to interview someone who also honors the sublime simplicity of branding. In fact, today’s brilliant guest, author of Simply Put: Why Clear Messages Win — and How to Design Them, Ben Guttman, says, “Simple ideas stick. Simple messages win.” Glory, glory!  Let’s break that down even further in this interview! Key Takeaways from Ben Guttman *Why you need to tweak and refine your brand over time routinely *Why, as receivers, we want simplicity, but as senders, we are predisposed to complicate things, so how do we bridge that gap? *Ben’s 5 design principles to simplify your messaging: Beneficial, Focused, Salient, Empathetic, Minimal *Why to focus on optimization for the least amount of friction Tune in on your favorite listening app, on the website, or watch it on YouTube! Links &