Feminine As F*ck

357: Business Q&A: Busting Myths on Feminine Business, Burnout, Quantum Leaps, and Discipline vs Desire



Calling all business owners!! Monica is NOT holding back any of her secrets to success today!  She’s answering your burning questions whether you’re NEW to business or making 7-figures already. This episode is sure to light a fire and create some momentum in your biz if you take action on the things she shares! Specific Q’s she’s covering [with timestamps]: ⏰ 1:37 What is one of the most important but undervalued things that you think people don’t prioritize when growing their business? ⏰ 8:55 How did you get your first clients?  ⏰ 16:30, 21:30 How do you stay so disciplined and show up all the time?  ⏰ 25:50 How do you stay balanced? My business work always takes longer than I expect and it’s hard for me to step away from it. ⏰ 32:48 How to grow bigger, be seen, and know more? PLUS there are sooo many other powerful nuggets interspersed, too, that you do not want to miss…