Bombshell Business Podcast With Amber Hurdle

Your Network is your Net Worth with Shannen Stewart



We’ve all been there. Awkwardly standing around at an event trying to decide who to talk to first and what the heck to discuss. The weather? The latest sports story? Travis and Taylor? But (hopefully), we finally break the ice, get to know some new contacts, and feel like we really rocked this networking thing! What happens next? Maybe we connect on LinkedIn and send a short, “It was great to meet you,” but usually not much else.  You see, networking is more than just the part where you find people to grow your network, it is more about the truly hard part - maintaining it. Today’s guest is here to help! Shannen Stewart is the Founder of Heels & Handshakes, an organization that fosters community through in-person events and digital experiences for entrepreneurs, women in business and their allies. Key Takeaways Learn about the missing piece in business that led Shannen to create Heels & Handshakes. She explains, “networking is not checking a box, it is checking a pulse” - what you need to know once you make