Trial Lawyer Nation

130 - Malorie Peacock - Keeping Calm Amidst the Chaos: How to Handle Difficult Clients



If you practice law long enough, you are bound to come across a difficult client. On this episode of Trial Lawyer Nation, Michael and Malorie tackle setting expectations for communication, documenting actions taken in each case, and laying the groundwork early for client satisfaction.The episode also explores the challenges of identifying the source of clients' demands and concerns, and reminds listeners that it is ultimately the client's case and that they have the final say.Additionally, Michael and Malorie discuss the essentials to a successful law practice such as: the importance of keeping promises and the significance of clients who are willing to trust their lawyer's advice.Finally, Cowen’s Big Rig Boot Camp CLE Trucking Seminar is discussed, where interested parties can register to learn about topics such as maximizing value in trucking cases, proving corporate negligence in company vehicle cases, and more! Visit Cowen's Big Rig Boot Camp to register.Featured GuestName: Malorie J. PeacockAbout: Malori