Accelerate! With Andy Paul

1155: The Intersection of Technology, Creativity, and Consumer Behavior, with Ricardo Olivo



Our latest podcast episode features Ricardo Olivo, Vice President of Technology at VML, along with host Alastair Woolcock for an engaging discussion around the integration of AI in understanding and shaping consumer behavior. The episode explores the shift from traditional marketing to a more data-driven, personalized approach, stressing the importance of aligning creative content with emerging trends and legal considerations. The conversation emphasizes the necessity of maintaining a human-centric approach amidst rapid technological advancements, offering a glimpse into the future of marketing where creativity and technology converge to enhance consumer engagement. Follow the Hosts on LinkedIn: Alastair Woolcock (CRO, Howard Brown (CEO, And our Special Guest: Ricardo Olivo (VP of Technology, VML) Sponsored by: | Powering high-performing revenue teams with real-time guidance Explore the Podcast Universe: Sales Enablement Podcast Selling with Purpose Podcast Re