Chats With Susan Burrell

Embracing The Eternal



EP #261 - Embracing the Eternal, A solo show with your host, Susan Burrell In this episode of "Empowering Chats" we investigate what it means to be eternal. What does it mean to embrace eternality? You all know me so well by now so you know I always like to give the dictionary definition of the special word I am focusing on. This month that word is "Eternal." And many of the guests that I will be interviewing this month will be around the theme of eternality. So here goes. Eternal is defined as: Without beginning or end. Lasting forever. Occurring again and again. Enduring. Endless. Unchanged by Time. Ask yourself, what if I could embrace my eternal spirit? What if I could live my potential from that eternal spirit? From that space where there is no beginning or end. This is a large concept to take in. What does eternal actually mean to you? Does it mean living a very long life? Eternity is life infinity. It is infinite. That is where I believe potential lives. In the infinite. When I know that I am aligned w