Destination On The Left

Episode 365: Strategies for Finding and Nurturing Your Community, with Nicole Mahoney



Nicole Mahoney is an entrepreneur, speaker, and podcast host with a passion for business. She’s the Founder of Break the Ice Media, a PR and digital marketing agency specializing in the travel, tourism, and hospitality industry, and also serves as the CEO of Travel Alliance Partners. In her weekly podcast, Destination on the Left, launched in 2016, she interviews tourism professionals from all over the globe on creativity and collaboration. On this episode of Destination on the Left, I’m talking about the significance of community in the travel, tourism, and hospitality industry. Whether it’s the local community you serve, industry associations, or peer groups, being an integral part of a community is essential for making a lasting impact. What You Will Learn in this Episode: Best practices to help guide you in engaging with your community and making the most of events like TAP Dance Why we should focus on serving others within the community, building authentic relationships rather than solely focusing on t