Closing The Gap With Denise Cooper

Feeling Lonely at the Top? Unmasking the Hidden Epidemic of Leadership Loneliness.



In this thought-provoking episode, Denise Cooper and Pamela Brooks delve into the often-overlooked topic of trauma in the workplace. They discuss how the changing dynamics of the modern work environment, intensified by the COVID-19 pandemic, have led to increased feelings of loneliness, depression, and isolation among employees. We talk about why executives don't handle conflict and in not doing so, increase the number of unhealthy practices that become part of the organization's culture. Key Topics:Statistics on Loneliness and Mental Health: Discussion on the alarming statistics of loneliness, with around 33% of Americans experiencing regular loneliness, and the correlation with rising rates of depression and addiction.Impact of COVID-19: Exploration of how isolation during the pandemic has exacerbated workplace conflicts and mental health issues.Trauma in the Workplace: Pamela Brooks discusses various forms of trauma, comparing it to physical injuries. Examples range from the stress of organizing a big even