Real Life Sci-fi With Wade & Willy

420: Our 420th Episode!!! Weed with Abed Gheith



recorded 9.10.23  Our 420th episode!!! Marijuana! Hemp. Reefer. weed. mary jane. thc. cannibus. all of the things. Do the health benefits of this schedule 1 drug (in the same category as heroin and ecstacy) prove that the american medical association and the government have been bought out by corporations in competition with hemp? Obviously we ramble a lot less concise than this description... but think about it... why does this savior of the future have such a bad rap?  we invite one of our biggest weed heads onto the show to talk about weed. the spotify playlist in reference to this episode is  If you suffer from migraines, seizures, parkinsons, menstral cramps, sciatica and you are interested in CBD for relief - email us at - Willy sells cbs tincture and pain suave to friends and family at a cheap price. basically I need to take it every day and couldn't afford $120 a bottle for life.   we stream every sunday at 4pm pacific only at  www.schrabhomev