Chats With Susan Burrell

Time for Brave Action



Ep#258 - Time for Brave Action, An Interview with Life Coach, Clara Chorley   I am honored to welcome, author and life coach, Clara Chorley to Empowering Chats. We jumped right into this chat with a new way of defining bravery. And then pulling apart how to access it in our everyday life. Clara defines bravery by first stating what it is not. It is not what is portrayed in the movies, like the Indian Jones character fighting his enemies in the jungles of South America or the warrior with his sword going off to war to battle the “bad” guys. It is not any of those things but rather something more subtle and powerful. According to Clara true bravery is very personal and can be very complicated. It is personal because only you can know where it is you need to be brave. It is not what society deems to be brave but rather what your inner voice is calling you to be brave about. It is that ever powerful inner knowing of what you need to do to shift, change or enhance your life. This sort of bravery requires you to go