Next Gen Personal Finance

Jim Wasserman, Former Business Litigation Attorney Turned Author-Educator



Jim Wasserman shares his journey from law to teaching economics and media literacy. Initially drawn to teaching to prevent problems rather than just solving them, Wasserman discusses his approach to making economics relatable to students, moving beyond traditional textbook examples. He delves into his experience in consumer economics, highlighting the importance of decision-making skills in both financial and digital realms. Jim, along with his wife, a retired banker, authored a three-book series aimed at different educational levels, focusing on the 'rules of the game' in consumer economics and media literacy. The discussion also explores the challenges of navigating the online world, especially for younger generations, emphasizing the need for educators to stay updated with internet trends. Jim stresses the importance of teaching self-reflection, awareness of online manipulation, and personal responsibility in the digital age, reflecting on the impact of curated online lives on self-image and choices.