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#12: How to Build Premium Quality Backlinks to Boost Rankings



In Episode #11 Eric and Neil discuss premium quality backlinks. They’ll explain what the heck that means, and they’ll give you clear tools to help you create the best backlinks. As you find ways to connect people with your content, using the resources available to you and being proactive will drive up your rankings in no time. Time Stamped Show Notes: 00:25 – How can you build premium quality backlinks? 00:45 – Get to the top of Google with backlinks and content 01:00 – Big websites have a high domain authority 01:25 – Backlinks are a vote of confidence 01:40 – You will up your rankings with better backlinks 01:55 – Network with people you know already 02:10 – Give each other value by posting on each other’s blogs 02:30 – Buzzsumo ranks most popular blog posts 2:45 – Take those posts and turn them into infographics 03:00 – Use and to see who has linked to that post, and share your infographics with those readers 03:40 – Infographics can do even better than the original data-driven