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The Best Tactics to Market Your Consulting Company | Ep. #19



In Episode #19 Eric and Neil give you the ins and outs of marketing your consulting company. From when you’re first starting out to when you have a more stable revenue, they’ll teach you the best tactics to get more leads fast. Time Stamped Show Notes: 00:25 – How to market a consulting company 00:55 – Blogging to get more traffic 01:28 – Content marketing is the number-one channel for leads 01:40 – In the beginning, you need to generate revenue as quick as possible. 01:50 – Identifying your ideal clients 02:15 – Finding the smaller companies, and showing them how they can improve 03:00 – Sending that info out to multiple employees and their investors 03:50 – Do the things most people aren’t willing to do 04:00 – Using webinars once you have money coming in 04:37 – Creating a tool 05:20 – Associating yourself with the biggest brands 06:25 – Podcasting can lead to business opportunities 07:15 – Using videos to show how you analyze websites 08:15 – Specialization 08:30 – Find a niche for your company