Closing The Gap With Denise Cooper

Pamela Richards: Positivity Poison: The Toxic Reality of Forced Optimism in the Workplace



Positivity Poison: The Toxic Reality of Forced Optimism in the Workplace. In this episode, you could explore how an excessive focus on positivity can lead to a culture where genuine concerns are brushed aside, difficult conversations are avoided, and real issues go unaddressed. This kind of "fake it 'til you make it" mentality can breed resentment and undermine employee morale, productivity, and well-being. Let's dive into the dark side of positivity! For many of us, we were taught always to have a smile on our face. As a leader, you may have said, "Don't bring me problems. Only bring me solutions." The idea was to get your team to step up, get in action, and solve the problem. However, we now know there are negative consequences when you don't deal with problems, especially emotional burnout. Denise Cooper and Pamela Brooks discuss What is toxic positivity? What does toxic positivity do to people, teams, and business results?Toxic positivity can lead to increased impostor syndrome and denial of our weaknesse