Hit The Mic With The Stacey Harris

How Julia Gruber Transformed Her Podcast Into a Sales Asset



I spend a lot of time discussing the impact of doing the strategic work for your podcast—a LOT. Today, though, I am so excited to share my conversation with Julia Gruber, host of Darmglück.Together, we dive deep into Julia's experience, where her podcast focusing on intestinal health has not only reached 227 episodes but has also surpassed the half-million download mark! Julia shares her wisdom on the serenity of planning podcast episodes with the help of a mastermind group and the transformative power of strategic selling within her episodes.We'll discuss the common hurdles podcasters face, such as lack of visibility, burnout, and pressure to consistently produce fresh and engaging content. You'll hear firsthand how Julia's participation in the Profitable Podcaster Mastermind led to noticeable shifts in her podcast, directly tying product sales to her podcast releases.As we gear up to open the doors for a new round of the Mastermind, take this opportunity to hear about the program straigh