Chats With Susan Burrell

From Cradle to Career



Ep#256 - From Cradle to Career - An interview with Nadine Templer, Senior Director of Volunteer Programs for the non-profit, HOPE Worldwide. This is the month of giving and every year in December I like to focus on ways we can give to others in our life that do not necessarily involve material gifts. One of the ways I do this is by including discussions and interviews with people who are involved in the nonprofit world. So in that vein I am honored to introduce Nadine Templer, the Senior Director of Volunteer Programs for the non-profit, HOPE Worldwide. This organization has been around since the 1990s.  It has been serving people since the AIDs epidemic in South Africa. They are an international organization that serves many people all over the world.  Nadine lives in Nepal and works specifically to impact the people of Nepal. For the last 30 years HOPE worldwide has run a sustainable educational program for the poor and under-served children of Nepal. The school teaches the children that are the poorest of