Modern Dealer Business Development With Colin Thomas Bdcolin

Sales and BDC Recruiting - Forget resumes! The Voicemail Screen!



Have you ever listened to your sales calls and wondered why your people sound so terrible? It’s because you didn’t hire them based on their ability to communicate on the phone! This is an example of an outgoing greeting I use to ID BDC and Sales talent. Since 90% of appointments that set, show and deliver are set on the phone, it only makes sense to screen potential new hires based on their phone presence! There are some aspects of the job that are trainable but others are not. This technique has helped me identify thousands of A game players over the years while reducing wasted time meeting with folks who just don’t have what it takes to be rockstars on the phone! If you need people, process and more profitability, I can help … call/text 708-RED-LINE