Your Mileage May Vary

Hairy Situations, Knowledge Gaps, Animal Spirits, Facial Demands, Animals



You're on a date with a woman, someone to whom you're pretty attracted, and she doesn't know a piece of information you thought was common knowledge. How should you react? Does it matter? Is it an opportunity to teach each other things about the world, or is it an indication that she won't be able to "keep up" with you? Speaking of enlightenment, are women more enlightened than men when thinking about sex? Only in the period just after achieving climax do men have a glimpse at objectivity about sex, whereas for women that's more the normal state. At least, I think so. If your partner specifically asked you for a facial, would you give it to her? Or would you be somewhat reluctant, wondering if it's something she "really" wants to have happen? And, what should a woman do if she finds out her partner has been consuming fetish porn that she finds ... troubling? We get a lot of our questions from Reddit, so for our listeners' enjoyment, here are links to some of the questions we discussed this week: https://ymmv