Driving For Your Success With Sheevaun Moran

Ep 340: Breaking Upper Limits



Everyone imagine for a moment that you have the desire to get to another place financially or emotionally or relationship-wise, yet you keep hitting this ceiling we've talked about. The glass ceiling before in some of our other videos and I want to talk about the way it affects you and how it impacts others um and how you might be doing this very same thing my name is Sheevaun Moran I'm driving for your success and let's get you to break Beyond Break Free Break through into something new and on the other side on the other Shore so you hit a ceiling you get to a place where things are really so friction oriented and in your system that you want to quit you want to leave you want to bail and maybe you contr control a whole lot of things in your life you like control control is good um but then you know that you can get to the other side and you're doing everything to try to keep everything moving and and and under control and it's getting more and more shaky and yet the thing that you want want is on the other