Got Faded Japan

Got Faded Japan ep 721! Japan’s MORE THAN MUSIC Event Extravaganza!



Got Faded Japan ep 721! Faders we welcome you to another exciting episode of Got Faded Japan. Today, we have the absolute pleasure of introducing you to a true legend in the Japanese music industry, a visionary who has shaped the landscape of popular music events in Tokyo. Our guest is none other than the renowned music promoter, Justin Sachs from MORE THAN MUSIC. With an unparalleled ear for talent and an uncanny ability to spot killer bands and DJs, our guest has revolutionized the way we experience and consume music in Tokyo. So sit back, relax, and prepare to be inspired as we delve into the extraordinary life and career of Justin from MORE THAN MUSIC. FADE ON! Get more MORE THAN MUSIC info and event dates at: Instagram at: ELECTROMAN vol 6 event information (11/11/2023): All photos that were used on the YouTube video were from More Than Music’s INSTAGRAM. To hire any of the pho