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The Art Of Decision-Making: How To Make Better Decisions Faster With Paul Epstein



“Show me the quality of your choices, I’ll show you the quality of your life.” — Paul Epstein. Are you ready to take control of your life by making better decisions faster? In this engaging episode, host Penny Zenker welcomes Paul Epstein. Pulling insights from his book, “Better Decisions Faster”, Paul dives into the art of decision-making, productivity, and personal fulfillment. He introduces the "Head-Heart-Hands Equation," a transformative approach to decision-making that aligns your mindset (head), authenticity (heart), and action (hands), leading to a more confident and fulfilling life. Paul also shares the concept of "good yellow" and "bad yellow" decisions and how to navigate them. Find out why prioritizing needle-moving activities, especially during your peak energy times, is essential for success. Paul also discusses the importance of values and how consistently acting on them can boost your confidence. Tune in now and get ready to make confident decisions that will transform your life.Love the