Driving For Your Success With Sheevaun Moran

Ep 339: Thoughts and Energy



Everyone Sheevaun Moran here Driving For Your Success and I'm in my office today and I thought I would do a driving for your success video here just for you because thoughts are so powerful I know through the work that I've done with all the folks around the world that I've helped in all different industries that by changing a phrase or turn of words or thoughts or using a different word will Empower you in so many ways so your thoughts matter yeah you may have heard that but thoughts are things and things are energy and energy is the thing that becomes what you get trapped in you may say it's mindset you may say you're in a in a container of energy and trapped in that container but the truth of the matter is um if you're trapped in a container you you have been thinking deeper into a problem so thoughts are things things are energy so thoughts are energy and every thought you have about what your issue problem challenge difficulty resentment anger whatever that is everything that you do to continue thinking