Driving For Your Success With Sheevaun Moran

Ep 338: Visualize for Success



Everyone Sheevaun Moran here and I'm Driving For Your Success and whether you're joining me for the first time or you're wondering what the heck is Driving For Your Success about...  it's a podcast because it's short, why is it so short?  All these things and my unique ability are helping people really dial in the things that they need to work on next. I have this super Spidey high fluting, you know, magical skill helping people get direct success and it's kind of like waving a magic wand is what my clients tell me even friends and so driving for success is some of the things and topics and ideas that are going to get you going in the right direction. So today's topic is about visualizing properly and visualizing in the right direction. So what's the right direction? Most people actually visualize in the wrong direction they look at their bank account they look at the problem they look at the thing that they're in and they don't know how to look beyond it. Visualization is not something that is common and eas