Albuquerque Business Podcast

Ring of Fire Eclipse: How Self-Awareness Fueled Human Evolution and Psychology



Eclipses, be they solar or lunar, have always captivated human beings with their celestial splendor. From ancient myths and superstitions to modern-day scientific inquiries, eclipses have always been enveloped in an aura of mystery and intrigue. This blog post endeavors to explore the fascinating intersection between eclipses, human physiology, and evolution, delving into how these spectacular celestial events might have shaped our ancestors and potentially continue to influence us today.     Section 1: Eclipses Through the Ages A. Ancestral Beliefs and Practices Historically, eclipses were often regarded with awe and fear, perceived as omens or divine interventions. Different cultures developed various myths and rituals to explain or mitigate the perceived dangers of these celestial phenomena. B. Scientific Understanding With the advent of scientific understanding, we've come to know that eclipses are merely the result of the celestial alignment of the Earth, Moon, and Sun, causing one to obstruct the light