Speaking Your Brand With Carol Cox | Women Entrepreneurs | Public Speaking | Communications And Media | Presentations | Tedx

350: The Differences Between Authentic vs. Contrived Storytelling



Last week, I talked about connecting your personal brand and your thought leadership Your stories and experiences are integral to both. Your stories connect you with your audience. Have you ever heard a speaker share a story and have one of these reactions: #1: Wow, I really feel connected to what this person is saying. I have a new perspective on my own situation.  -OR- #2: Why is this person telling this story? I don't get how this relates to the rest of their content or why I should care or this feels icky.  You don't want to end up being the speaker where the people in the audience are having the second reaction. You want your stories to have purpose and meaning and be of service to your audience. In this episode, Diane Diaz and I talk about: Contrived vulnerability (your audience can tell) What contrived storytelling sounds like and feels like The elements of authentic storytelling Examples of authentic storytelling, from our clients and from our own talks We’re doing a NEW workshop series this fall l