Contractor Success Map With Randal Dehart | Contractor Bookkeeping And Accounting Services

543: Better Practices For Managing And Maintaining Construction Business Cash Flow



This Podcast Is Episode 543, And It's About Better Practices For Managing And Maintaining Construction Business Cash Flow In the business world, cash flow remains the lifeblood that keeps your operations running smoothly. Whether you're a start-up finding your feet or a seasoned business in the construction industry, managing and maintaining a steady cash flow can be challenging. But a few small changes can make a world of difference to your cash flow and overall revenue.   Your business needs cash. Cash keeps your company in operation and enables it to grow, so you should know how much your business needs to survive. Although many think the answer is linked solely to operating expenses, this isn't true.   No single factor determines how much cash every construction business needs to have on hand. Somewhere between 3-6 months of operating expenses is an excellent baseline to start from, but there's more to it than that.       Initiate a discussion with your lenders if interest only or deferred payments on ou