Speaking Your Brand With Carol Cox | Women Entrepreneurs | Public Speaking | Communications And Media | Presentations | Tedx

348: Confidence Unleashed: Owning the Stage with Authentic Presence with Dr. Christina Madison [In-Person Speaking Series]



When you step on stage, I know you want to feel comfortable and confident, to project authenticity and energy. Developing your confidence and stage presence happens both externally and internally. When your content and your delivery are aligned, you can have a bigger impact on your audience with your message. This is what I talk about with my guest, Dr. Christina Madison. Christina has delivered a TEDx talk and has been on TV over 250 times, including two appearances on Good Morning America. I’ve known Christina for nearly two years: we worked together on her TEDX talk and she attended our in-person client retreat. In this episode, we talk about: Why Christina said ‘yes’ to her first TV appearance How what you’re wearing can make a big difference in how you feel on stage Embodying the qualities you want to feel and portray Taking care of yourself so you are at your best for your speaking engagements What it looks like to feel authentically you This is the final episode in our new podcast series