Driving For Your Success With Sheevaun Moran

Ep 334: How to Get Anchored and Aligned



Everyone Sheevaun here driving for your success. And today's topic is something I've been noticing in a lot of entrepreneurs and new clients, and that's about being anchored and grounded in what is happening. Currently. Most people seem to tend to stay out of their bodies to stay into the future or to hack, ways of the past. And when you were dealing with ways of the past, there's no way to move ahead into the future that you imagined that you wish for, that you desire that is in your visioning. That is the manifestation of what you want to achieve. And being grounded means that you're here, you're in your body, you're in the present. You can feel your breath, you know what's going on. As far as the lakes and the, and the freedom and the flow in your body, they often do to talk about this in yoga. However, when we get into our business, we forget to bring those concepts forth and into our moment in and moment out choices into the multiples of phone calls, we get into the volume of emails into the zoom meeting