Your Mileage May Vary

Small Sex Dolls, Vulva Color, Resensitization, Best Sex Partner Ever



If you're a woman and you are ready to commit to a man, it makes sense to me that you should "decide" he is your best-ever sex partner. My general sense is there probably isn't a hug difference between most of your "good" partners -- I know that some are just awful. So, assuming he's in the quality pile, it shouldn't be hard to do. But if you can't do it, you should be asking yourself why not, and what it is about that guy who still fills your daydreams that really turned you on. Maybe you've picked the wrong guy? We talk a fair bit about death grip, and the female equivalent, "white claw". But, a less common issue is when a man does something that makes him more sensitive in the bedroom and becomes a premature ejaculator. Should he worry about this, or will it take care of itself? An insensitive man made the mistake of telling his partner that he has vulval preferences. Is she wrong to be upset? Sure, there's not much she can do about it, but it's the same situation for other physical attributes. And, what l