Johnny Kielbasa's Sausage Hut

SH 226: Spaghetti and Meatheads!



After lamenting the plight of the Cleveland Browns and his survivor pool picks, Johnny empasizes the importance of educating your own dumb ass. Thsn it's time for ChatGPT comedy! Johnny asks ChatGPT to write a pre-game speech from a college coach to a football team about to play their arch rivals on a field covered with 3 inches of spaghetti and meatballs. Then he asks ChatGPT to write a Stephen Colbert monologue regarding astronauts finding spaghetti and meatballs on the moon, a French gymnast diving 100 ft into a pool of spaghetti and meatballs, and a motorcycle gang getting pelted with spaghetti and meatballs by Johnny Kielbasa. Go binge our over 600 evergreen, hilarious, and funky episodes! And how about leaving us a positive review? Thanks! All the original musical marinara you hear is composed, produced, and performed by Johnny F. Kielbasa. While you're here, go to, search "funk", and enjoy all the free funk you can fit in your mom's spaghetti platter. Follow Johnny on Twitter: