Epic Success With Dr Shannon Irvine

One Hidden Strategy that Makes Business Growth Consistent



What is the missing piece that separates the solo, hustling and struggling entrepreneur from the successful, 7 and 8-figure entrepreneur?   That’s what we’re discussing in this week’s podcast episode.   You know that feeling of overwhelm, overthinking, and not knowing the right next step? The endless running of negative scenarios in your head? That steals your focus and keeps you in the “struggling” category!   But 7 and 8-figure business owners know – it’s all about what you FOCUS on.    Think about it – If you knew exactly what to do and how to do it, how fast would you get to 7 figures?    In this episode, we’ll take a look at how the struggling solopreneur focuses on what I call “earthly crowns”, chasing a thousand strategies and thinking small – “If I could just make $X more, then it would all work…” Then we start getting led by our feelings and looking at ourselves more than serving others.   Meanwhile, the 7 and 8-figure entrepreneurs focus on the “heavenly crowns”! They’re all